Growing food is our biggest passion

We grow our own organic vegetables and fruit in our kitchen garden, terrace gardens and food forest. There is nothing like harvesting food out of your own garden. Preparing a salad fresh from the garden, to pick a few tasty smelling tomatoes, a lush cucumber (sometimes in odd shapes and sizes) and a few colourful flowers to brighten up the salad. We like to ferment in all styles, experimenting along the way. 

At A Quinta we drink living water from our spring and we eat as much home grown food as possible. Our stress free animals provide us with healthy, grass fed meat and organic eggs. All these ingredients enables us to create wholesome generous meals. The aim is to be fully self sustainable and we are doing our best to achieve it. We warmly invite you to come and try our food.

Every Wednesday we provide our community with veggie boxes straight from the garden. They vary from week to week depending on the season. It’s a great way for us to share our food and meet the neighbours. If you’re passing by or you’re in the area, contact us and we can create one for you.

You can solve all the world’s problems in a garden.
— Geoff Lawton